Upgrade Ping An Family Medical Division to explore "medical insurance collaboration" to build a health service flagship in safe and quickly

With the intensification of aging trends in my country, domestic residents’ awareness of health has increased.At the same time, domestic medical resources are relatively scarce and uneven distribution.Under the superposition of the two, the public has a huge demand for highly convenient and sustainable medical services.According to market research, 80%of users want to get a home -exclusive general doctor.

Faced with the potential huge market demand, Ping An is further accelerating the exploration and investment in the medical care business sector.

On June 17, Ping An of China announced a comprehensive upgrade of the family doctor service brand “Ping An Family Doctor”, released the “11312” one -stop active health management service system, and launched the “health active tube, slow diseases can be managed, and the whole process of disease tubes.”User service commitment.

Over the past few years, Ping An has continued to deploy medical custody sectors.In the final idea of ​​Ping An Chairman Ma Mingzhe, Ping An will become a financial consultant, family doctor, and pension housekeeper for users.

As the flagship of Ping An Group’s Medical Pension Ecological Circle, Ping An and Health continued to cultivate the two core hubs of “family doctors” and “pension housekeepers”.Because of this, Ping An and Health have explored a different Chinese version of “Management Medical Model”.When the Internet medical business of the retail giant and technology giants was adjusted, Ping An can still run in the established direction.Ound

At the meeting, Guo Xiaotao, co -CEO of Ping An Group, said that Ping An, as a national financial brand that leads the world’s leading navigation, will always never forget the original intention and belief, with customer needs, and bring more worry -saving, time -saving and money -saving medical care to customers.The health service experience helps to promote the “Internet+family doctors” to the development of higher quality, systematic, and standardized development, and contribute to the strength of healthy China.

Comprehensively upgrade the Ping An family doctor

Relying on advanced AI technology and professional doctors, “Ping An Family Doctor” has accelerated.

According to Li Dou, the chairman and CEO of Ping An Health, the comprehensive upgrade of this “Ping An Family Medicine” will create a one -stop active health management service system of “11312”. Through the entranceThe one -stop family health management service that saves money (hereinafter referred to as the “three provinces”), which is in an all -round way to extend the health life and improve the quality of life for users.

In this model, users can establish in -depth interaction with the exclusive family doctors, establish a more stable doctor -patient relationship, and are more likely to realize “small illness, carelessness, worry -free, rehabilitation and peace of mind”.Ound

Specifically, the “11312” active health management service system refers to a team of family doctors with a dual certification of WONCA, which has a professional, with WONCA, which has a professional hospital with Peking University Medical International Hospital and World Family Doctor;The 5A standard service path of RACGP certification; active health management services for sub -healthy people, chronic patients, and disease groups, and 12 scarce medical resources.

At the conference site, “Ping An Family Doctor” also launched the “three provinces” user service commitment: “Health and active tube, slow diseases can be managed, and the whole process of disease tube”.In response to the sub -healthy population, through the second -level interpretation of automated health files and medical examination reports, the family doctors provide them with high -quality solutions to achieve inspections and early treatment.In response to the slow -ill people, through real -time monitoring of the Internet of Things and high -risk early warning, combined with the 21 -day lifestyle management, the improvement rate and standard rate of slow illness symptoms have reached the industry leadership.

Taking blood sugar management as an example, combined with real -time data and intervention models, in the early stage of diabetes and mild users, Ping An and Health launched a 21 -day community training camp products.Family can effectively improve the blood sugar of users by serving the core of lifestyle.For users who are confirmed and have difficulty controlling blood sugar, the family doctor uses the AGP diagram interpretation and the guidance of the family doctor to give customers more accurate treatment, and effectively controls the stability of blood sugar.In response to the complications of diabetes and sudden blood sugar, with the assistance of data monitoring equipment, family doctors took the initiative to connect with the corresponding famous medical specialty, and arrange for regular medical treatment to ensure the safety of life.

In addition, for the people of the disease, Ping An and Health through the full -process management of the disease, including the 7X24 hours of consultation in front of the hospital, precisely recommend famous medical centers to assist in reservation for registration;The whole clinic is accompanied by the clinic; the “rehabilitation guide” is customized after the hospital and followed up to the retracement to achieve precision medical treatment before the hospital, efficient treatment in the hospital, and rehabilitation after the hospital.

Create a professional doctor team

Why should Ping An and Health upgrade such a service upgrade?

In addition to the objective needs of the aforementioned market, national policy catalysis is also an important reason.

In 2022, the “Guiding Opinions on Promoting High -quality Development of Family Doctor Signing Service” further clarified the overall development idea of ​​family doctors’ contract services: the point is to expand the family doctor team, increase service supply, enrich service connotation, and ensure the connotation of service.Based on the effective performance, gradually expand the coverage of service to benefit the vast number of people.The guidance proposes that on the basis of the existing service level and guarantee the quality of service, the annual signing service coverage rate is 1-3 percentage points, and the full family coverage will be basically achieved by 2035.

“为适应和满足当前公众日益增长的健康需求,开展家庭医生服务并寻找更优的服务运行模式成为新时期卫生体制改革的必然趋势,”中华医学会全科医学分会主任委员迟春花表示,家庭The road of high -quality development of doctors’ signing services is far away. It continues to explore the service model of family doctors to sign the service model. Using advanced Internet technology to continuously optimize and improve service content and processes, it should be the direction of the common efforts of the whole society.

Earlier, many Internet medical companies, including Dr. Chunyu, Hao Doctor Online, and JD.com, participated in and launched commercialized family doctor services.

However, whether it is an online consultation platform or other doctors in other Internet medical platforms, most of the doctors are part -time, which will inevitably have problems such as short online duration, slow response speed, and uneven service quality.

Since its birth, Ping An and Health have aimed at the pain points of the Internet medical platform at that time, and it took a lot of costs.Until now, Ping An and Health are constantly improving the level of self -operated medical teams.

This comes from the safe and firm strategic determination, that is, insist on establishing a service team of a high -level medical experts.Ping An believes that only such a self -employed team can provide users with real high standards and temperature services.

“Ping An Family Medicine is the core hub of Ping An Medical and Health Services.” In Guo Xiaotao’s eyes, it has a triple role of doctors, health navigors, and customer managers., The system’s active health management services, and a number of scarce medical resources, can play active management capabilities before, during, and after the course of the disease, providing users with “three -to -three -to -store, home, home””Serve.

Offline supply side, Ping An hands holding Peking University Medical Group.Peking University has a long history of medical care. After integrating the existing medical and healthy ecology of Ping An, it can form an online and offline closed -loop with Ping An and Health, which can dispel user concerns.

Data show that as of December 31, 2023, Ping An Health has a team of about 50,000 internal and external doctors, nearly 4,000 cooperative hospitals, 230,000 cooperative pharmacies, nearly 103,000 cooperative health service providers, and cooperative medical examination institutions are super2000, you can provide users with professional health services for 7X24 hours.

According to Hou Jack, the senior vice president of Ping An Health, after the newly upgraded “Ping An Family Doctor”, “these family doctors will participate in offline clinics and hospitalization work to ensure the professional continuation of doctors.”

Continuously evolved medical and health service capabilities have also become a cockpit stone for “Ping An Family Doctors” doctors.At present, Ping An, Health has vigorously promoted AI auxiliary capabilities, and comprehensively upgraded the doctor’s auxiliary workbench. From system collection, report interpretation, health management suggestions, to dynamic signs monitoring, and organizing case structure, they have greatly improved the quality and efficiency of doctors’ service.

“Our family medicine is the real Internet doctor. Because of the help of AI, the Ping An family doctor can truly improve the management ratio and service time.” Hou Jack, Hou Jack, Senior Vice President of Ping An Health, said. Line said. Line said. Line said.The management and protection ratio of the family medicine is generally 1 to 2000, and the Ping An family medicine can achieve 1 to 50,000; offline family medicine is generally 5 × 8 hours services. Ping An family medicine can achieve uninterrupted 7 × 24 hours.

According to Li Dou, in 2023, all the links of Ping An Health have been enabled by AI. Medical AI has covered more than 37,000 diseases, 15 million problems, 420,000 disease terms, and covers the world’s top 30 million clinical guides.The accuracy of the guidance was more than 99%, and the medical record rate of the Class A had more than 98%.In addition, the automated health files of Ping An Family Doctor have also connected more than 3,000 medical examination institutions.

Li Dou said that as of 2023, the company’s family doctor members registered more than 13 million, and the user’s five -star praise rate reached 98%.”We have confidence and have such underlying capabilities. After upgrading, continue to provide customers with high -quality family doctors health management services.”

Exploring full speed on “solid base”

“Beginning in 2021, we have comprehensively integrated insurance and medical and health services, and launched a health service platform for customers to provide customers with health solutions including insurance guarantee and full -cycle health management;Further identifying the health needs of different customer bases, a new family doctor service was introduced in 2024 to launch the exclusive version of RUN.Health “cooperation results. In 2023, the number of Ping An Life Customers who used medical and health services exceeded 20 million, which achieved double -digit growth year -on -year, and the service satisfaction reached 99%.

Chen Yan said that the innovative model of medical insurance collaborates seamlessly combining differentiated medical and health services with financial services such as insurance as a payment party to bring customers a “worry -free, time -saving, and money -saving” experience, so thatFinance is more humanistic, making insurance more temperature.

It is, with the unique F2B2C development model, Ping An and Health have gone out of the characteristic model that is different from other Internet medical companies, and has given full play to the “director of its own”.In May of this year, well -known domestic e -commerce platforms adjusted their family medicine business.Similar situations are also happening.

“The different choices of different Internet medical companies in the family doctors ‘business reflect their different strategic choices. In the field of Internet medical, the payment of family doctors’ business is a key challenge.” An industry insider saidModels may face issues such as low user acceptance and insufficient willingness to pay.

It is understood that Ping An and Health adopt the “3-2-3” model, representing the three paid payers of F, B, and C. Based on user files, through family doctors and pension housekeepers, the “three-to-” supplier service network is provided to usersProvide high -quality, cost -effective medical health care services.

From the perspective of the payment party, Ping An Health has the advantages of comprehensive channels that other platforms do not have: not only financial+insurance as the payment party, the channels of Ping An Group and independent expanded corporate customers, as well as terminals obtained through the above two types of channels.Users and individual user payment parties on independent platforms.The continuous penetration of Ping An Group’s personal financial customers and corporate customers, as well as the deepening operations of F2C and B2C customers, have huge room for development.

According to the annual report, the number of Ping An Health LTM paid users reached 40 million in 2023, of which the LTM strategic business payment users exceeded 32 million, an increase of 10.7%year -on -year.Specifically, the F -end stable increased by 6.7%to 26.3 million people, while the B -end increased significantly by 75%to 5.1 million, and the cumulative number of B -end service companies exceeded 1,500.

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